Fees and payments

Materials and Services charges are $300 per student.

Below is a list of current options for paying your family accounts.

If you have any questions or need extra time to make a payment, get in touch for a confidential discussion with Dianna Clarke our Business Manager on 8258 1519.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Our school accepts direct bank transfers for school fee and family account payments. Use your child’s name and a brief description, if possible, for example ‘fee’ for ‘school fee’.

Account name: Salisbury North R-7 School
BSB: 105-056
Account number: 237019840


Our front office has EFTPOS facilities. You can visit the front office to pay your account, or you can pay by credit card over the phone: 82581519.

The front office is open during school terms between 8.30am and 10.00am Monday to Friday.

Online payments

Spriggy Schools phone app

Uniform cab be purchased via spriggy school’s app or by visiting www.spriggy schools.com.au